



Swiss-Italian tenor Valérian Bitschnau is a singer, performer, architect and stage designer. He studied architecture at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and the Technische Universität in Munich.

He then studied opera singing with Scot Weir (ZHdK) and Valérie Guillorit (Paris). He is currently coached by Andrew Owens and Simone Durrer-Stock. He specialized afterwards in a Master’s degree in Music and art performance at HSLU Musik in Lucerne, which enables him to research into new interdisciplinary formats for performing and sharing music and the performing arts. He won second prize in the « Montforter Zwischentöne » international competition for new concert formats in Feldkirch (Austria).

As a singer, he has appeared in experimental Musiktheater productions including « Das Geklaute Gehör » (Walcheturm Zürich 2023, Ensemble Metanoia für neue Musik), « DER VATER » (Schauspielhaus Zürich, staging Nicolas Stemann, « Le petit Winterreise en Moonboots », Elgg / Sion 2023, « OUBLIS » (Cosmos Luzern, 2023), « Looking at things » Chur / Elgg 2022 as well as productions of more classical operas such as Donizetti’s « Viva la Mamma » (Theater am Seefeld Zürich, 2024) or Offenbach’s « La belle Hélène » (Ouverture Opera, Sion, 2019).

His lyric tenor repertoire ranges from Baroque music to present day genres, with a particular focus in contemporary music.

He has taken part in masterclasses with Margreet Honig, Klesie Kelly Moog and Tora Augestad, Sarah Maria Sun and others.

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